Why Social Media is key to your business

Why Social Media is key to your business

Why Social Media is key to your business 1024 655 Keeley Middlebrook

Social media is key to your business; here’s why

Everyone tells you that you should be on Facebook and that your business should definitely have a Facebook Page and Group for your VIP clients, but is that true? Let’s take a look at some facts and figures, shall we? I love looking at stats, so let’s look at what Hubspot says. Now, before I tell you what Hubspot says, it’s best that those reading this blog post know who Hubspot are. Hubspot is one of the leading developers of inbound marketing and sales software in the world.

Hubspot states the following:

  • 72% of adult internet users use Facebook. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • Only 45% of marketers think that their Facebook efforts are effective. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • Facebook posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than those without images. (Buzzsumo, 2015)
  • Facebook continues to have the most engaged users — 70% log on daily, including 43% who do so several times a day. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • Facebook sends 82% of social media traffic to longer stories and 84% of social traffic to shorter news articles. (Pew Research Center, 2016)
  • 63% of Facebook and Twitter users say each platform serves as a source for news about events and issues outside the realm of friends and family. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 73% of people say they use Facebook for professional purposes. (Hubspot, 2016)
  • In the past two years, content consumption on Facebook has increased 57%. (Hubspot, 2016)
  • 76% of people use their Facebook feed to find interesting content. (Hubspot, 2016)
  • Facebook has 1.13 billion daily active users. (Statista, 2016) (Source: https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics)

Right, did you see what I saw? 72% of adult internet users use Facebook! Now picture this. You’re going to set up your stall at a car boot sale at a location where there are 100 punters; potential customers if you will. Do you:

  • Setup your stall where there are 28 potential customers
  • Setup your stall where there are 72 potential customers

I don’t need to spell it out for you. You go where the crowd is. If 72% of your potential customers are on a specific social media platform, you go to them.
Okay, but how do I do this? I don’t have the time to setup or publish posts on my business Facebook Page each and every day.
The thing about Murri Marketing is that you won’t need to worry about it. We’ll take that stress away from you and manage all your social media for you for a tiny monthly sum, leaving you the time to manage your business.
Want to know more about how we can manage your social media for you? Give us a call on 07840 182208 or drop us an email at hello@murrimarketing.co.uk. Can’t wait to hear from you!

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